


daily life

Today is International Women's Day. I've seen a lot of flowers being handed out here and there. I usually don't get into that myself. 

Looking at bouquets of flowers always fills me with sadness and sorrow. I enjoy looking at flowers while they're growing, either in a pot or outside, but when they're cut, it's like looking at corpses. And for what purpose? For one's amusement... I'm not even vegan. But killing animals has, you know... a purpose. I'm not sure if a plant-based diet is even sustainable without supplements in the long run, but that's not the point. With flowers, you cut them, you put them in a vase, and they entertain you with their prettiness for a few days... then you just throw them away. 

Is it weird to have empathy for plants? I guess so. But I always try to find meaning in everything. And in this tradition of giving flowers on special occasions, I just can't find any.

Headline image by mrrrk_smith on Unsplash