我2020年看了很多效率视频。这些所有的视频都讲到了照顾自己。照顾自己应该帮助效率,因为你可以休息,放松,这样重新工作,你有更多精力。所以我2021年决定了会开始照顾自己。我写了一个清单,清单上有十五个不一样的活动照顾自己。我当时每天选择一个事情为了照顾自己。当时瑜伽在我的清单上,所以我有一天有选择了瑜伽。我就非常喜欢瑜伽!我开始了每天都选择瑜伽。所以我决定了二月的每天都瑜伽。我正在做一个三十天瑜伽挑战书,在Yoga With Adriene 的YouTube channel. 这里有这个瑜伽挑战书如果你有兴趣:
二月份我需要开始半马(Half Marathon)训练, 五月中旬我要参加一个半马比赛。
@LingoBee 哇!祝好!加油!!!
Hi, Olivia. I just wanted to come and say thank you to you. I'm a teacher in China, and over the last couple of weeks, I've asked my little group of 12-14 year olds to use Journaly to practice their English. As soon as they started, they found you learning Chinese. It was really inspiring for them to see someone their own age learning Chinese, and using this website so enthusiastically. You gave all of them great comments (Britney, WXY, suyixiang, yangshengyu), and they all loved reading your posts. It makes a massive difference being able to connect like this! We're all taking a break for Chinese New Year now, but next term, I'll ask them to continue writing. Your Chinese and your learning habits are awesome. 你还给我动力去多练中文呢,用日记网站学语言是个值得研究的学习方式,我看看能不能用中文写一篇论文。多谢!提前祝你新年快乐!
@PhilH, Thank you so much! This literally made my day!!! I’m so glad I can inspire them. Their English is great, by the way! 😃 Happy Chinese New Year!!!