Tea cafe🫖

Tea cafe🫖



daily life

I went to a tea cafe with my friend. That shop is in another town so he drove. It took a half hour to get there. We invited my husband but he had no interest in any tea or hot drinks so he declined.

That cafe has a lot of varieties such as black tea, green tea, white tea, rooibos tea, mate tea, oolong tea, honeybush, etc. According to my friend, the owner loves collecting tea from all over the world. I chose Earl Grey and Lavender this time. You can also choose a tea cup that you like, which I think is neat. While we were at the shop, we could ask the staff to get more hot water when we finished our cups of tea. This kind of thing is what I like here. In Japan, it's not happened. You usually have to pay for another cup of tea.

We stayed there for 3 hours and had lots of fun.