Making new friends

Making new friends


I moved to WA in the states from Japan last April. I work from home and barely go outside so I had no new friends here.

I’ve decided to make new friends here as one of the new year resolutions this year. I’m not an extroverted person so I thought I want to meet up people who have the same interest. I started looking for people who have been studying Japanese or some language groups.

At first, I searched it on twitter. This is because I used to make some friends when I lived in Tokyo, Japan. I live in a small town so I couldn’t find any people.

Second, I checked HelloTalk, which is an app for language exchanges. I found some people but all of them live in Seattle, which takes 1 hour to go from where I live by a car. It was kind of far so I skipped.

Third, I found discord server of the town where I live. It seems like people meet up sometimes but most of the event is kind of big, which made me scared.

Finally, I made a post on subreddit of where I live. I needed a lot of courage and it took 3 months to make a post since I made an account on Reddit. Couple of people left comments on my post and I finally met up some people last weekend. I was very nervous to meet new people but it was fun.

That’s how I made new friends. I’d like to know other recommendations or approaches of how you make new friends.