Runner's High & Runner's Low

Runner's High & Runner's Low




I've been preparing for a coming full marathon race next week for these six months. I purchased an expensive smartwatch, Garmin Forerunner 265, and followed the AI's instructions. There have been several side effects so far such as positioning vertigo that took me about 4 weeks to cure, internal hemorrhoid, knee joint pain, and internal bleeding of the right fifth toenail. These problems have gone now, but I'm in a depressed mental state, which I call "runner's low, " the opposite of "runner's high."

"Runner's High" makes me enjoy running, but some runners may become "running addicts." Therefore, I think too much secretion of intrinsic "morphine" substances may be dangerous.

On the contrary, I have a lot of experience with the runner's low. It may happen when you run out of gas, I mean, the shortage of energy or glucose. Yet, it may happen at the beginning of your running, probably because of the previous over-exercise. Your instinct may tell you that you need to take a rest. Anyway, in such cases, I feel strongly depressed and lose my motivation, "why should I run?"

Coffee, or caffeine can solve that problem. It can make me feel that I'm energetic and ready to run. However, when I take caffeine, I need to go to the restroom to pee often. The time lost by waiting in line for the restroom is quite something that prevent me from getting a new record for the marathon race.

Anyway, even including that depressive state and other side effects, I think my challenge for the marathon is something interesting and fun.

Thank you for reading.