Is there something worng with me?

Is there something worng with me?


daily life

Is something wrong with me?

When I was younger - adolescence and mid twenties - I used to enjoy friends' company. The company of my beloved friends. I was always down for human interaction. Every weekend I used to feel the need of seeing my friends and be with them. Spending the whole day with them, hanging out with them. There was a stage in my life in which friends were more important than family.

I was never a fan of going to parties but I really liked long talks with friends in the square or playing video games in my bedroom or swimming in a pool or whatever. You know what I mean, simple activities with friends.

Strangely, as time went by I wasn't feeling the same. Now I'm 35. I don't want to be around friends for long. When I have to go out because I am supposed to meet them, the hours previous to leaving my house are dreadful. I don't enjoy my day because I know I have to leave my house later. If I'm a couple of hours away from home, I feel the need to go back. And When I expect their visit, I just regret inviting them. It's not that I don't have a good time when I am with them. It's just that I'd rather be on my own, doing more interesting and private things. I just don't want to spend energy talking for hours. I also think I focus too much time on their flaws, even though I don't speak my mind. That would certainly be a dumb way to get unnecessary problems.

It's important to mention that my friend list got significantly shorter over the years. Sometimes I got offended or mad. Sometimes I offended them. Some of them ghosted me and I ghosted some of them as well. I don't think I have real close friends anymore. I get along with 4 or 5 people, but I don't know if they are my closest friends with the deepest bond in the world. And I don't care at all either.

Is it normal to feel this way? What do you think?

I just want my space and mental peace.