


language learning
daily life
tv shows

Medical TV shows have gained considerable popularity among people, there is always at least a couple of them running always on TV. The most iconic are ER, Grey's Anatomy and Dr House. I know that these shows are fictional but sometimes annoys me that most of them are highly inacurate when compare to real life medicine. Sometimes I feel concerned about the impact that these shows would have in their public, because in these shows you can find miraculous recoveries, high rate of succesful CPRs, know-it-all doctors, difficult diagnoses resolved in a blink, junkies practicing medicine and a long list of very unrealistic scenarios. In my practice I came across with patients who had very high expectations about their disease like time of recovery, also some of them came thinking they have an incurable disease based on a couple of signs. I really hope that people be capable to differentiate between fiction and real life when they see any TV show. I used to see medical shows to learn english medical jargon, the shows I like the most are Scrubs, Code Black, and Under Pressure, a Brasilian show.

Although Scrubs is a comedy it shows well the dynamic that happens in a hospital. Code Black depicts in almost a realistic way a busy ER and the difficulties that doctors and administration face. Under Pressure gives us a very accurate portrayal of a government hospital that doesn't have enogh resources to attend its patients, besides politician corruption.

Do you like medical TV shows? Do you think TV shows can affect the perception people have in others professions?