A Friend's Cat

A Friend's Cat



My friend has a big family. He used to share an apartment with his older brother and younger sister. I was only invited there a couple of times. Maybe my friend wasn't comfortable imposing company on his siblings, or maybe he just didn't see any reason to hang out at his place. I used to invite friends to my place to play board games, and that was fine with me since I live alone. I even pride myself with being a good host. But sometimes I'd think Why is it always me who has to tidy up for company? Wouldn't it be nice if we could all meet up at other friends' places from time to time? Or just drop by unanounced?

My friend bought a new apartment this summer. Some time later, we had this conversation:

"I just saw a big beatuiful rottweiler in a streetcar," I said. Seeing dogs brings me joy, and that was the first time I'd seen this breed in person, so I felt it necessary to share.

"Did you take your meds?" he asked.

"I didn't touch him, and him sitting next to me won't affect me one way or the other," I said. You see, I have an animal allergy. It's mild, but it can be annoying, so I need to keep my distance. It can get bad when I'm anywhere with animals for long periods of time. But only a few of my friends and none of my relatives have house pets, so I don't usually have my meds on my person.

Then my friend changed the subject all of a sudden:

"I'm wondering if I should bring the cat to my new place," he said.

"It would serve as protection from company," I joked. "Who needs the cat in the old place? It's your cat, isn't it?"

"My sister took it, then she went to Moscow and got herself another cat. I had enough with my last cat. But I have less issues with this one — it only costs 2-3K rubles per month to feed, although it sheds a lot, and I have to clean the litter box."

"The question is, who would take care of it if you don't take it?"

"Yeah, I guess."

The way he switched topics made me think he's somehow considering me in this decision, but why would he?

I visited his new apartment a few times. It was fun to watch the place gradually fill up with furniture. After he got a bed, he finally moved in and took the cat with him. I joked that that was the end of my visits, but realistically, I'll be fine if I take my meds. Just have to remember to keep them with me.

A few days later, he asked me, "Tell me what meds you take and I'll buy some to keep around just in case."

And honestly, this is one of the kindest things I've heard in my life. Not only because my friend cared about me but also because it meant that I was actually welcome in his home.