Ditching YouTube Addiction: My Simple Plan Inspired by ChatGPT

Ditching YouTube Addiction: My Simple Plan Inspired by ChatGPT


daily life

The title suggests I've been battling a persistent YouTube addiction for years. Ironically, today's struggle seems as challenging, if not more so, than in the past. Interestingly, the inspiration to write this text struck me after seeking assistance from ChatGPT for a plan to quit YouTube for good.

Here is the 12 step plan ChatGPT generated for me:

Step 1: Self-Reflection and Goal Setting

Step 2: Create a Schedule

Step 3: Use Productivity Tools

Step 4: Adjust YouTube Settings

Step 5: Create YouTube-Free Spaces

Step 6: Find Alternatives

Step 7: Seek Support

Step 8: Mindful Consumption

Step 9: Gradual Reduction

Step 10: Reward System

Step 11: Monitor and Adjust

Step 12: Consider Professional Help

...quite neat, right?

Step 1: Self-Reflection and Goal Setting

1. Reflect on Your usage

Take some time to understand your YouTube usage patterns. Identify specific triggers that lead you to watch videos excessively.

My input

I've been using YouTube a lot, I guess. Here's how I use it:

- When I wake up, I grab my phone and start YouTube to help me wake up.

- When I'm doing dishes and feeling bored, I listen to YouTube to make it less boring.

- When work gets tough, I often turn to YouTube for a break.

- Before bedtime, I use YouTube to help me fall asleep.

- After a tiring day at work, I use YouTube to unwind and relax my brain.

- I watch YouTube while eating.

- I've noticed I use YouTube a lot when I feel stressed, lonely, or bored. Those are the main reasons for my excessive use.

2. Set Clear Goals

Define realistic and measurable goals. For example, you might aim to reduce your daily YouTube usage by a certain percentage within a specific timeframe.

My input

I'm not sure what's doable, but I was considering having specific rules for different activities each day.

I've established the following activity norms for a balanced routine:

- Sleep: 8 hours

- Work: 8 hours

- Entertainment (YouTube/Netflix/PC games): 2 hours

- Non-screen time (any activity excluding entertainment): 4 hours

- Socializing (meeting or talking with people): 2 hours

These guidelines aim to maintain a well-rounded daily schedule, ensuring a sufficient amount of rest, work, leisure, screen-free activities, and social interactions.

My primary objective is to reduce entertainment time to 2 hours, allocate 4 hours to non-screen activities, and dedicate 2 hours to socializing. This goal emphasizes a balanced distribution of time between screen-free pursuits, social interactions, and limited entertainment.

Step 2: Create a Schedule

1. Establish a Daily Routine

Create a daily schedule that includes dedicated time for work, personal development, exercise, socializing, and leisure. Ensure that YouTube usage is limited and scheduled intentionally.

My input

My Ideal schedule would look like this:

- Sleep: 22:00-06:00

- Work: 08:00-16:00

- Exercise: 16:00-17:00

- Non-screen time (socializing/hobbies/studying): 17:00-20:00

- Entertainment (Youtube/Netflix/PC games) time: 20:00-22:00

2. Set Specific Time Limits

Allocate specific time slots for YouTube use, and set strict time limits for each session. Gradually reduce these limits as you progress.

My input

I'm planning to set a limit on my entertainment time to 3-4 hours a day. For instance, from 18:00 to 22:00 in December, 19:00 to 22:00 in January, and 20:00 to 22:00 in February and beyond.

Step 3: Use Productivity Tools

1. Install Productivity Apps

Download and install productivity apps or browser extensions that limit your time on YouTube. Configure them to block or restrict access during certain hours.

My input

I will use the following chrome extensions and apps:

- Delay.

This one will delay for 20 seconds before opening a blocked website, if I try to. It will give me some to stop in case I open it automatically (without thinking).

- Unhook.

This extension will disable certain parts of Youtube to make it less attractive. The most problematic parts are recommended and home page (the part which displays all videos)

- Audio only for Youtube (Youtube Music Premium).

I have been using this extension, but decided not to do it anymore. I have decided to use Youtube Music Premium instead. Even though it costs around 10 bucks a month (99 norwegian crowns), I think it is a fair price to pay for a service that will help me to use Youtube less.

- AppBlock

This app will restrict access to the YouTube app and website on my Android phone. I've configured it to permit YouTube usage only between 18:00 and 22:00, with the intention of gradually reducing this to a 2-hour limit. I've based the 2-hour norm on recommendations found in this article:


Step 4: Adjust YouTube Settings

1. Turn Off Notifications:

Disable YouTube notifications on your devices to minimize interruptions and the urge to check the platform impulsively.

2. Unsubscribe and Clean Your Feed:

Unsubscribe from unnecessary channels and remove irrelevant content from your recommendations. This helps in creating a more intentional and focused content feed.

My input


Step 5: Create YouTube-Free Spaces

1. Designate YouTube-Free Zones

Identify specific areas in your home or workspace where you won't use YouTube. This helps in breaking the association between certain spaces and the habit.

My input

This one is very difficult, as I live in a small one room apartment. But I think I should keep my bed a Youtube-Free zone, as my usage is the worst there. You could even consider my bed as a trigger for opening Youtube.

Step 6: Find Alternatives

Identify Alternative Activities

Discover alternative activities that you enjoy and align with your goals. Consider activities such as reading, learning a new skill, or spending time outdoors.

My input

I've come to realize the importance of finding joy in healthier activities. It's a bit tricky because if I only list productive things, YouTube might overshadow them.

Alternative activities:


1. Engaging in Norwegian language studies

2. Pursuing English language studies

3. Tuning into podcasts

4. Enjoying music

5. Reading articles

6.Incorporating exercise

7. Acquiring new skills through online courses

8. Journaling

9. Exploring new recipes

10. Going for a walk


1. Socializing

2. Meditating

3. Participating in online forums

4. Practicing and playing the guitar

The lists are incomplete, and there's a possibility that I'll need to update them later on. Frankly, the real challenge lies in the fact that YouTube has evolved into a comprehensive coping mechanism that fulfills all my needs. While it might be tough to find a single activity to entirely replace YouTube, both my own thoughts and my therapist's repeated advice emphasize the importance of socializing in overcoming addictions. It seems like a straightforward decision to steer my activities in that direction as much as I can.

This proves to be quite challenging for me since I lack a substantial social circle, have limited family ties, and reside in a foreign country. Moreover, I consider myself sensitive, and I've developed a frugal mindset, particularly with regards to my time and finances, as the saying goes, time is money, lol. This is particularly evident as I juggle two jobs.

Step 7: Seek Support

1. Share Your Goals:

Inform friends or family members about your goal to quit or reduce YouTube usage. Their support can be valuable in holding you accountable.

My input


Step 8: Mindful Consumption

1. Choose Quality Content:

When you do use YouTube, be intentional about the content you consume. Opt for educational or informative videos rather than mindless browsing.

Step 9: Gradual Reduction

1. Implement a Gradual Reduction

Instead of quitting abruptly, gradually decrease your daily YouTube time. This approach allows for a more sustainable adjustment.

My input:

As mentioned before, I'll be gradually cutting down my entertainment time from 4 to 2 hours over the next 3 months.

Step 10: Reward System

1. Reward Your Achievements

Set up a reward system for reaching milestones in your journey. Treat yourself when you successfully adhere to your YouTube reduction plan.

My input:

I can treat myself to sushi if I have a good week. :) I should also consider other rewards as part of my plan.

Step 11: Monitor and Adjust

1.Regularly Evaluate Progress

Periodically assess your progress and adjust your plan accordingly. If certain strategies aren't working, be flexible in finding alternatives that suit your needs better.

My input:

Every first day of the month, I'll write a brief review of the time before that.

Step 12: Consider Professional Help

1. Seek Professional Guidance

If your addiction is severe and impacting your life, consider consulting a mental health professional for personalized advice and support. Remember, breaking a habit takes time, and setbacks may happen. Be patient with yourself and stay committed to your goal of reducing YouTube usage. Adjust your plan as needed, and celebrate your achievements along the way.

My input:

I've been chatting with my therapist for a while, and it used to help me. But lately, I'm not so sure because I only talk and don't take any actions to make things better.