Isn't it a Bit Early for Kids to Playing Outisde?

Isn't it a Bit Early for Kids to Playing Outisde?



I woke up to the sound of someone screaming. I thought it was one of my neighbors, but my apartment was totally silent. Maybe I was dreaming. It's colder than usual today. I think winter is coming faster than I expected. I get up and look out the window; I can see two kids playing. Isn't it too early and cold for them to be outside? They're two boys, I guess. My vision is a little blurry in the morning. I look at the clock, and it's almost 6 am. It definitely is too early for kids to be outside, and for that reason, or out of curiosity, I keep observing them. Now, I can see more clearly and one of them is a girl. They're wearing yellow sweaters, or is it orange? Well, I have to buy a new pair of glasses. I believe they're playing some kind of hide-and-seek. The little girl is counting, and the boy is looking for a place to hide. I used to play this game with my brother, but I wasn't good at hiding. The fact that my brother is four years older than me must have been an advantage for him. He's living in another country now. He may have been living there for six years now, or is it seven? I'm not sure about it. He always dreamed of living abroad. He said our family was too self-destructive and that keeping distance distance between us is the only way to survive or get less hurt. I've never agreed with him on that matter. Our mom was so gentle, and our grandma used to make the best food ever. I don't understand his reasons for saying what he said, and he never took the time to explain it. I still see the kids. They've switched the roles - the girl is hiding and the boy is counting. Surprisingly (or not), she's much better than me at hiding. It took some time for the boy to find her. It looks like they're having so much fun, but it's still so early, and there's no adult with them. It's strange because I've been living in this building for two years and I've never seen kids playing. My room is a little strange too if you look closely. I don't know why I chose to paint the walls white. I can see a little light from under the door. Did I forget to turn off the kitchen light? Suddenly, a lady walks into my room and says: "Good morning." I don't know her. She asks what I'm looking at, and for some reason, I answer, "The kids playing." It happens so automatically that I don't have time to question who she is or what she's doing in my apartment. She looks out the window and looks back at me smiling. Why is she smiling, I'd like to ask, but I don't. She finally says: "Come, it's time to take your pills." What is she talking about? Who is she to talk about pills? I look out the window once more and the kids are gone.


Hi everyone!

This is just a random thought that occurred to me and I decided to write it down. Fictional writing isn't my best ability, but I wanted to write something, and it looked like a good one. Thanks for reading anyway.

Headline image by caleb_woods on Unsplash