


Listening comprehension. I just realised that I have to find native speaker's recordings containing a dialogue or a discussion between two or more people. Muffled, sometimes unclear recording or background noise would be a bonus.

How did I come to this conclusion? Well, I remembered (recalled?) one day, when I joined a voice chat with a bunch of English speakers discussing something and I quickly realised that my brain can't keep up with what they're saying. Sometimes I'd figure things out retrospectively (with, say, a five-second delay), sometimes I wouldn't. The reason for that being that a dialogue between two natives tends to include all sorts of things, like fast speech, omitting sounds, and things that I can't find in a prepared speech.

You might say: "But aren't movies what you're looking for?". Maybe. They for sure can help with that. But I think there's more I can discover in authentic, off-the-cuff speech.

I have one or two websites in mind, and I can probably dig up some more, but I wonder if you can recommend anything.