Very Brutal History II

Very Brutal History II


Where were we? Oh, yeah, the Romans. They got beaten up by the Celts, which were the first Englishmen. ‘Yay!’ you must be thinking, ‘Englishmen! Beautiful castles, handsome princes and peasant kings!’ Well, not quite. They believe that human heads have magical powers, so they hacked off their enemies’ heads and maybe hang them on the bedpost or something. (Hope that doesn’t give you ideas…)

Then, we have the Saxons. They are actually not that bad, overall. The only brutal bit I can find is their punishments for crime. You usually have to get a bit chopped of you, like your nose, tongue, lip, hand, scalp, eye or foot.

Next, we have the Vikings! Oh, boy, there is so much to say about them! For example, the penalty for witchcraft is…Death. The penalty for betrayal…Death. The penalty for telling fibs…having your tongue cut out. The penalty for murder…only a fine!

Then, we have the Middle Ages. The people often suffer from diseases. Their cure is…don’t take a bath. They think that the dirt can block the diseases from entering their bodies. Poor people. They should have thought further and decide whether if it is the DIRT that caused the diseases.

(To be continued…)