Listening Comprehension

Listening Comprehension


language learning
tv series

As a part-time binge-watcher, I can say that rewatching movies and tv series gets easier each time. You understand more and are able to follow the plot with less effort. However, there still are bits of speech here and there in each medium that I can't "decode" even after I've watched it a couple of times. Thus, it raises the question of whether I'm doing everything right. On the one hand, I feel the progress. Additionally, I keep in mind that the learning curve isn't linear but rather something that gets steeper the further you go. In other words, the more advanced you are, the more time it takes for you to make progress. On the other hand, given how much time I spend watching stuff, I would expect a bit more. Perhaps developing speaking practice plays some role in listening comprehension.

Still, there are things that I mishear, especially when words merge into one another and part of one of those words gets separated, so the gap between the two words (timewise) is shorter than the gap between a pair of syllables in one word. If I rewind and listen closely to what's been said, I might make it out, but that's not always the case. I think I just need to keep doing what I'm doing, but what if there's other things I can do about it? Do you have your own approach to that? Or maybe you want to add something? Share your thoughts in the comments!