The lonely Japanese rice fish

The lonely Japanese rice fish


daily life

My wife had a Japanese rice fish, a tiny fish in a water tank at the entrance.

This summer, my wife kept two Japanese rice fish in a bucket where she planted arrowheads. She expected them to eat mosquito larvae. When it got cool enough for the mosquitoes to stop breeding, my wife thought to move the fish to the water tank inside the house. But one of them was missing.

Every time I pass by the tank, I check to see where the lonely fish is in the tank. When I came home yesterday, I also checked and found that there were several Japanese rice fish. I asked my wife about them. She replied, "I went to the farm where I sometimes help and brought the fish back."

I can't identify the lonely fish even though I have seen it several times before.






Headline image by derekleej on Unsplash