Book Review: Haruka, Bremen by Kiyoshi Shigematsu

Book Review: Haruka, Bremen by Kiyoshi Shigematsu



Have you heard that your entire life flashes before your eyes the second before you die?

A high school girl named Haruka lived with her grandparents after her mother left her when she was three years old. She lived alone in her grandparents' house even after they died. One day, she received a letter from a travel agency. In the letter, the agency asked her to allow their client, an 85-year-old woman who lived at the same address about 40 years ago, to visit her home. She decided to meet the sender of the letter, Katuragi, at a family restaurant to find out the details. According to him, the client continues her journey to make her flashbacks of the last second of her life better. While the client stayed at her house, Haruka found out that Katuragi could watch and even edit the client's flashbacks. He told her that she had the same ability even though it hadn't developed yet. The real reason he had contacted her was to recruit her for the company.

The client's son had to decide how Katuragi would edit the flashbacks as the client's dementia worsened. The son wondered if her memory of the infidelity should be erased after Katusragi told him she wanted to keep it. Haruka, who supported the client and her son with Katuragi, couldn't help but think of her mother. Meanwhile, she received a call from her uncle saying that her mother was dying of cancer and wanted to see her.

I read this thick book all at once. We can't know other people's memories directly, even those of our parents. I don't want to know what kind of memories they would have of me if I were Haruka. I think there are some things in this world that are better left unknown.

In this story, the memories that the owner wants to keep are colored, while the memories that are not worth keeping are black and white. Haruka's classmate Nan-Yu, who has the same ability, had an older brother who died of a disease before he was born. He always doubted that his father had stronger feelings for his brother. He couldn't resist the temptation to look into his father's memories. His doubt was correct. What do you think happened to his relationship with his father? If you want to know, read this book.







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