Soy pescatarian. Pescatarian es como vegetarian, pero como pescado también. La razón es porque desde yo era un bebe, no me gusta mucho comer carne.
Estoy interesado también de ser pescatarian por los animales y el ambiente. Entonces, empiezo a investigar.
El problema es que estoy confundido. Me gusta beber leche, pero según mi investigación en linea, las vacas desde que obtenemos la leche sufren condiciones mas horribles que las vacas desde que obtenemos carne. Es porque las vacas femeninos necesitan producen las leche continuamente desde son pequeñitas, y necesitan vivir sin sus bebés. Las condiciones emocionales de estas vacas no son tan bonitas. En otro lado, las vacas que son matados para formar carne en general no sufren mucho porque el proceso es mas rápido, y no sufren mucho emocionalmente.
Ademas, vi un video que discute sobre ser vegan/vegetarian. Este video explica que si toda la gente es vegetarian, los "husks" del soya, y otros partes del plantas van a gastarse. Sin vacas, estes partes forman basuras que no personas pueden comer. En cambio, con vacas, estes basuras pueden se transforma en alimientos que podemos comer. En breve, este video dice que comer vacas es más util para los ambiente.
Entonces, ¿Qué debo comer? ¿Soya, leche, o vaca? Según mi investigación, necesito comer vaca jaja. Pero no me gusta comer vaca. La resulta de mi investigación es un poco irónico.
Lo siento por mi nivel de español. No hablo ni escribo mucho, y solamente quiero practicar un poco mi español. Muchas gracias por leyendo mi composición.
I haven't done as much research. But it's my understanding that about 80% of soy production is due to livestock feeding needs. Take livestock out the equation (hypothetically...), and supposedly that's a lot of waste not being produced. Then again, if people were to stop eating meat, would soy production still be really high on account of new soy consumers? Is there an alternative to soy as a kind of staple food? I don't know. I'm particularly biased against soy 🙈 because so much of the Amazon's deforestation has been carried out for it. If I ever become vegetarian, I'd think of ways to avoid it, but I don't know if that's viable?
I've stopped eating red meat in recent times - except pepperoni pizza, that's the one thing that's hard for me 😓. I've personally thought vegetarianism or even veganism to be the most moral choice for a long time, but truth be told, convenience stops me from changing a whole lot. Only now that for some reason I've stopped liking the taste of most meat, I've dropped (most) red meat. Also cuz cows are the livestock animals I'm instinctively most empathetic with, they are like big puppies 😆
Muy buen texto! Es un tema bastante técnico y de vocabulario difícil
Disclaimer, my research was not that extensive either.
Hmm If 80% of soy is really for livestock, and livestock didn't exist as soy consumers, I suppose the amount of soy consumed by humans wouldn't be as disruptive to the environment. But then again, whatever we farm would probably cause deforestation. I am not sure which diet would cause least deforestation...But I think a collectively omnivore diet would be good because some lands are narurally arable, while some lands are for grazing.
I do like to think of vegetarianism or veganism (or maybe pescatarianism) as being the most moral choice too. But to obtain our daily proteins and vitamins, we might milk more cows and fish more in the process. That means more killing for pescatarians since fish are tinier. This equates to more suffering. But I also like the way you think, about empathising with creatures that are more human-like. I also have that in mind. And like you, my diet is mostly due to my taste and convenience moreso than carefully thought out cost-benefit analysis. Thanks again for correcting, and even engaging with my text!