Exploring Big Bookstores

Exploring Big Bookstores


daily life

I'm on a three-day weekend. Today is the first day. I went to a fancy building near the terminal station to donate blood. It was a fine autumn day to go out. The train was crowded and there were too many people around the terminal. I regret that I chose the blood donation center instead of one in a less crowded place because I was afraid of catching the flu. I've heard that the flu is spreading much earlier than usual this year probably because we had few cases of the flu during the pandemic and our social immunity to the flu has become low. My co-workers said that many infections have spread in schools and daycare centers where their children go. However, the reason I wanted to go there was because there were big bookstores.

I went to different bookstores before and after giving blood. I spent thirty minutes at the first one, which was in front of the train station and I had been to many times before. I spent an hour at the second one, which I had never been to before. It had been a while since I had been to a big bookstore, and I was very happy.




Headline image by gieffe22 on Unsplash