Why does hearing a chat at work sometimes get on my nerves?

Why does hearing a chat at work sometimes get on my nerves?


daily life

Yesterday, my colleague returned to work for the first time in ten months. She had been on maternity leave. After the weekly meeting, our boss and a salesman went out. Then, all the workers except me on our floor were mothers. Someone expressed concerns to her like, "You must have a hard time." A chat started. I didn’t join it as usual. Sometimes it bothers me. It is hard for me to concentrate on my work when someone is talking about something unrelated to the job, such as the TV drama she watched last night, a new restaurant, and a family problem. Please don’t blame me that I listen to their chat. I think it's natural that we can’t help but overhear the conversation that you consider inappropriate for work hours. Maybe I am jealous that my colleagues enjoy chatting. They refresh themselves with a quick chat. I know that we can't concentrate on our work for even an hour.

There was one thing about their chat that surprised me. She was riding her bicycle to pick up her children, who are four years old and ten months old, from their respective day-care centers. She said that she had to give her baby a piggyback because her baby was too young to sit in the front of her bicycle. She asked other mothers about how they did it on a rainy day. It is too dangerous for her and her children. She was worried that her baby would be hard to breathe if she wore a raincoat that would cover her baby.




Headline image by brookecagle on Unsplash