Book Review: A Survival Family by Bunsho Hattori

Book Review: A Survival Family by Bunsho Hattori



Is it possible to live a self-sufficient life with a family in a residential area near Tokyo? Indeed, it would be more difficult to achieve self-sufficiency in the city while maintaining some degree of social interaction, rather than deep in the mountains in the middle of nowhere. The author sometimes makes trips to hunt deer and large mice (nutria). He bought chicks to raise and keep for their eggs with his family. Of course, when a hen gets weak, they eat it. His wife is reluctant to eat it, but his daughter, who is the youngest in the family and takes good care of the hens, cries and loves to taste it.

This book is a collection of his essays. He writes monthly columns for magazines. He wanted to become a famous mountaineer when he just graduated from university. He succeeded in climbing to K2. However, he changed his mind and started to manage his mountain climbing with minimum belongings. In other words, his new goal is self-sufficient climbing. He said, "Survival mountaineering is a term I coined. It is simply defined as 'taking no battery-powered devices or fuel into the mountains. The only food I take is rice and spices.'".

I like the episode about his daughter. He and his daughter had been participating in a local ekiden relay race since she was in the second grade of elementary school. She eventually became the captain of the track and field club in junior high school and made it to the national Ekiden championships.

I was impressed to read about a week-long bicycle trip he took with his children at the age of twelve as the passage from childhood to adulthood.






Headline image by danieltuttle on Unsplash