A crucial mistake with just one move

A crucial mistake with just one move


daily life

I missed the third game of the Shogi title match, Oza-sen. I did it again! Challenger Sota Fujii won. He now has two wins and one loss. He could win the title at the next game. When I started watching the online broadcast, the commentators were already analyzing the game. One of them explained that Fujii was almost losing. However, the title holder, Nagase, made a crucial mistake with just one move and missed an important victory.

The AI evaluated that Nagase had a 90% chance of winning. However, even though the situation wasn't so complicated, he might get upset because he had used up all his thinking time and had to make a move within just one minute. That must have been the reason for his mistake.

王座戦第3局を見逃した。まただ!挑戦者の藤井聡太が勝った。これで2勝1敗。王座戦のタイトル獲得に王手をかけた。ネット中継を見始めたとき、対局のレビューが始まっていた。藤井聡太はほとんど敗勢だったと解説者が説明していた。しかし、タイトルホルダーの永瀬はたった一手の悪手で、大事な勝利を逃した。 AIは永瀬の勝つ確率を90%と評価していたそうだ。しかし、そんなに複雑な局面ではなかったが、永瀬は考慮時間を使い果たして、一手を1分以内に指さないといけなかったため、魔がさしたんだろう。

Headline image by jeshoots on Unsplash