Decribe a map

Decribe a map


Hi, I've been practicing writing for the IELTS test lately. Any corrections would be much appreciated. Thank you so much!


The map illustrates the alterations to a public library between 20 years ago and the present day.

Overall, the library became more modern for visitors with a computer room, a lecture room, and several self-service machines.

Twenty years ago, there was a room for CDs, videos, and computer games in the top left corner of the library. However, it was demolished and replaced by a room for children's fiction books. In this room, there are two sofas. This room is also used for storytelling events. The size of the room increased by 50% compared to 20 years ago. The children's book that was in the top right corner became a lecture room.

In the bottom right corner, the enquiry desk area was removed to make way for a cafe. The computer room that was in the bottom left corner was replaced by a computer room. The door of the room was moved from the top side to the right side.

In the center area, the tables and chairs disappeared. The adult books area now is used for all reference books. It is worth noting that the adult non-fiction books area was replaced by an adult fiction books area with an information desk and self-service machines.