Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


daily life

Hi guys!

I've been searching for new TV series to watch. I wanted to watch a tv series about crime investigation. I've been watching lots of different movies about this subject, but now I decided to try out some tv series.

I haven't watched many tv shows over the past years, I think the last one I watched was in 2021, it was The Sopranos. I think I even wrote a text about it in here.

Anyway, the only tv show I watched that is about crime investigation was CSI. I believe I watched it in 2017 with my cousin.

It has 12 seasons; however, I only watched until the 8th season, but at this point in the show my favorite character left the show, so all the fun had gone. To be honest I even tried to keep watching, but it wasn't the same. So I just stopped watching it.

After some searching, I found a TV show that looked entertaining and very similar to CSI was Criminal Minds. I got even more interested in watching it when I found it was available on Star+.

I have no problem in downloading a movie or a tv show, but it is difficult to find in my native language with the best image quality.

I started watching it 2 months ago, yesterday I finished the first season, and all I can say is the show is really amazing.

It is very similar to CSI, I'd say the biggest difference is how the crime they're working on is being insvestigated.

In CSI the crew will try to gather evidence in the crime scene. They will try to get fingerprints, footprints, blood samples, etc.

The process is totally different in Criminal Minds, instead of trying to collect evidence they will try to create a profile of the suspect.

Profile? What kind of profile? I'd say they try to imagine what the suspect seems like.

For example:

Is the suspect outgoing or introverted?

Does he/she have a well-paying job?

Does the suspect have any potential mental diagnoses?

And so on.

This pretty much is the difference between them. I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm already going to start watching season 2 today. Let's see how it goes!