Hello world !
Today I want to share my brother’s situation. Since Tiktok became popular, his concentration droped so fast and he cannot concentrate himself more than five minutes ! Binge watching short videos during a certain amout of time reduce your concentration and let you become addicted, you need your shot of dopamine then it is an infernal circle.
He will go to year 13 after holidays and needs to have good grades but I think it will be difficult for him, but nothing is impossible ! He reduced his Tiktok time from 5 hours to 2 hours ! Social medias are very time-consuming ! It is one of our generation's defi.
I think he needs to "reeducate himself" to be concentrated, using less tiktok (but I can understand that it can be difficult, you can have your frends in and if you don't use it, you can feel that you are "left behind").
His problem is concentration but mine is the "fear of missing out" with Youtube, there is so much to learn !
There is books for learning but with Youtube videos I can listen, watch, read comments and I like Youtube alghoritms (it is the goal I know)
It is easy, fast ...
You really have to detach yourself of social media ! When you feel that you need to scroll, that you always need to watch, scrolling, you have an addiction !
I thank you for reading my first writting,
NB : I used "you" but I can you "one"/"they" ? Which is the best ?
Headline image by alexbemore on Unsplash
Unlike in French, don't leave a space between the last word of a sentence and (!) or (?)
Title: TikTok Ruined my Brother’s Concentration -- In English, there's a certain case of words called "title case" that specifies that almost all words in a title are capitalized.
I agree that TikTok is problematic. I do not even have the excuse of being young, but I can lose hours there if I am not careful. I try to limit TikTok (and YouTube shorts, which are kind of like TikTok) to an hour once a week. I use the timer on my phone clock to keep me honest about it.
addressing your note: you is used more casually or persuasively while one is more formal. They is usually used when talking about a separate group (like ils/elles i think)