Small Town Murder

Small Town Murder


daily life

I've found the victim. OK, it's a fly. But nature can be so cruel. And effective.  

It was really a David and Goliath matter. And our spider did take the matter into its paws. No, they are called legs. A spider is an eight-legged creature. Check. But it does things with its legs we, humans, do with our hands. Namely, tie.  

 Nature journaling is a trial by fire (or spiderweb?). Cringe! My account reads like the stupid person's dictionary.

 Frankly, nature is cruelly clever. Or cleverly cruel. Look, the fly is tied up as a game after a hunt. I took these pics in the morning, our fly is still very much alive in the afternoon. I do need to check upon it in the evening or tomorrow.

These photos are mine. I seem to be a rookie at editing.