Recently, I've been thinking of learning Korean. I learned one method for reading faster in this video about one year ago, and I'd like to try it out. This method is supposed to work with children when learning how to read in their native languages, but I'd like to apply it to my target languages, so I thought, "Why don't try it out with Korean?"
Easier said than done! using that method implies not learning the alphabet at first, but entire words, and in order to do that, I need a good dictionary. I'll try it out anyway.
Headline image by joeljnaren on Unsplash
Naver Dictionary is a good online dictionary!
Thank you very much!
I believe reading speed is indeed an underestimated skill in language learning. This guy has fantastic content (although it's for Chinese) and makes a point about readnig speed. https://www.chinesethehardway.com/article/improving-your-reading-speed/
Sounds like a great idea! The human brain reads quickly by recognizing entire words, not individual letters or morphemes, so I think the method has a really solid base to it. Of course, it depends on the writing system. With Chinese, learn one figure and you've learned the entire word.
@Ouassou I feel the same. Sometimes, reading speed isn't considered as something important when learning languages, and I think that we learn bad reading habits at school, including subvocalization, not using a visual marker (your finger) when reading, regressions, and so on.
Thanks for sharing that article! It's quite interesting and I agree that tracking time and progress and stop moving your mouth when reading it's important if you want to increase your reading speed.
I recommend you Jim Kwik's videos, since he shares some not-so-orthodox reading strategies that are useful for any language! These include skimming, reading by using your left hand, look at the images before reading, and repeatedly counting 1,2,3 to stop subvocalization.
Exactly! By recognizing word by word, the information is more comprehensible. Furthermore, your reading speed increase beacuse you don't have to stop every time to identify individual letters and then connect them.
Thanks for the tips and video 👍