How long!

How long!


language learning
journaly updates

I've just realized that it has been a long time since I've written in English here. I could come up with some excuses, but the real and solely truth (is it right to say solely here? I don't know) is that I'm just not doing what I said I was going to to, which is study and practice to improve my English.

The thing is that I often find myself lost in my languages studies. I know that it is normal to lose our motivation or just don't want to study sometimes, but I think that a huge part of my problem is with organization. I don't know if all of the languages learners out there is completed organized and happy about their study (you can tell me about your experience with it), or if they just don't plan anything at all. I've tried both, plan and not to plan, I always end up lost in my "how can I better organize my studies?" and not study anything. I'd really love to read some opinions about this topic (Chat GPT is not helping helping lol).

But, the real thing is, I'm trying to come back somehow. I'm trying to organize and build some kind of... Routine? A study plan? I don't know. Anyway, thank you for reading, next time I'll try to come up with some better writing topics.

Headline image by lemonvlad on Unsplash