I’m having some English classes these days. In the classes, the teacher let’s us to watch a horror comedy that is called Buffy the vampire slayer. It’s very scary but fun. In the comedy, there is a girl called Buffy. She is a vampire slayer. Slayer means a vampire hunter. In the first episode, Buffy move into a town called Sunnydale . She has some new friends in her school but her friend gets caught by the vampires. At the end , Buffy kills the vampires and saves her friends.
In the classes (not on) / lets us means permits us / slayer often means kills / Buffy moves into a town/her friend gets caught/ third person singular verbs usually end in s for example: Iwalk, she walks. i think, John thinks/ and saves her friends/ safe is the adjective. Good work.
Great! This is written in a really natural way. Can you write what you think is good about the TV show? It's 20 years old now - do you think it seems out of date?