A small introduction...

A small introduction...


Hi everyone!

This is my first post on this platform, and I have to confess that I'm super excited to use it. But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Eduardo, a Brazilian guy who's trying to learn English and Spanish. So, I've been studying English since 2018, which means five years. It's a language that I'm very passionate about, and I love to consume content in it like songs, TV series, books, etc. I started learning in a traditional course here in Brazil, and then I kept studying on my own. To make a long story short, I achieved what I consider a comfortable level watching lots of YouTube videos, first with subtitles, then without them. After that, I started listening to podcasts, and finally I could read books in English. My first book was "Daisy Jones & The Six"; it's a YA book, and not the best one, but also not the worst. Now, I'm trying to improve my abilities to communicate, and this looks like the perfect place to do it.

In terms of Spanish, I can't say much... It's a language close to Portuguese, but at the same time it requires learners to keep track of many small details that don't exist in Portuguese. I'm able to understand much more than I can write or speak. That means I'll try to use this space for making to transcribe podcasts or videos that I like to watch in Spanish.

I think that's it. I don't want to make a long, boring introduction. Furthermore, I'm planning on writing more about things I have interest in future posts.

Thank you for reading. I really appreciate it.

¡Muchas gracias!
