The Universe

The Universe



"Would you say, you have more sun or moon energy?" he asks.

She turns to him, somewhat startled, and replies, "Do you mean like in astrology?"

He chuckles and explains, "No, it's more like a mystical, self-yearning feeling rather than an astrology concept." He continues, "It's like feeling a connection with either the sun or the moon. For me, I think I more resonate with the moon. I like the night, I like the moon as an image; it feels very poetic."

She nods thoughtfully and says, "I've never really thought about it, but now that you mention it, I think I might have moon energy too. I feel drawn to the moon. But I reckon, people always perceive me as having sun energy. Like I'm always so bright, jovial, and carefree. I guess I've been trying to portray myself that way too."

He raises an eyebrow curiously and asks, "Why is that? Because you want to be like the sun? Or are you alright being the moon?

She ponders for a moment and then replies, "I'm okay being the moon. It's more like my inner self"

He gazes up at the moon, and a soft smile appears across his face. "You know, now that you've said it, I can totally imagine you as the moon," he says, "You have this calm and soothing aura that is very moon-like"

She laughs and teases, "What? Me calm? You've got to be kidding me!"

He's shaking his head and saying, "No, really. It's something I can't explain. Outwardly, you do have a warm and sunny presence, like the sun. But deep inside, I can sense the—I don't know but I see it. You hold both within you."

Her eyes sparkle and a shy smile tugs at her lips.

Headline image by pechka on Unsplash