First Post

First Post



I once heard somewhere that in order to write well, you should (ideally) write with a clear goal in mind.

Assuming that's the way to go, I'm not too sure about this text turning out well then, since I can't think of a clear goal besides getting over my fear of the first page, to be honest.

Once I put my own doubts aside though, I feel motivated after finding this site: the concept seems promising, and where else could you get a glimpse into what daily life in a country on the other side of the globe looks like? It's a bit like windows into other experiences, ideas or thoughts - and I really like that.

As someone who is more of a reader than a writer, I'm curious about what topics people come up with to write about as well as how they write, that is, how they express their thoughts in words. Maybe I can learn from others in this regard? To be more creative and more expressive?

As for language learning, my French really needs some work, and I could always use some English practice. Out of the two, I should probably focus on my French more but for the sake of easing into writing I'm going with English for my first post.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and if you'd like to chat in French (B), English (C) or German (native), feel free to leave me a comment anytime!

Have a nice day! :)
