Dream Log

Dream Log



Disclaimer: I know this was just a dream, but I apologize if this writing contains sensitive topics related to ethnicity, race, or other sensitive topics. It's beyond my control. This post is only for learning purposes.

So, in my dream, I found myself teaching some Chinese guys outside their school, probably high school students. Everything seemed fine in the beginning, but as time went on, I started feeling uneasy around one of the guys. Eventually, I decided to quit and didn't want to teach them again. Then things took a crazy turn. They showed up at my house because they got mad and didn't accept that I'd stopped teaching, they even brought all their siblings along! It was around 6-7 people. But then, they all suddenly turned into Swedes guys😭 Don't ask me why!

Then, four of them were pissed off and they threatened to use their magical power to hurt me. Guess what? Two of the siblings actually stood up for me. They tried to calm things down and mediate with them. They just didn't want to harm anyone, but the others didn't want to listen. These mad people suddenly made hand gestures, as if they were summoning their magic and they wanted to attack me! But these two siblings who had been on my side, stood right in front of me; shielding me and still kept trying to make peace. Sadly, it was too late. The magic unleashed by the angry ones wounded their own brother and tragically, one of them lost his life.

And yeah, just like that, I woke up. That's the whole story of my dream.

Headline image by zhugher on Unsplash