The Emeral International Museum

The Emeral International Museum



I started to live in Bogota almost 7 months ago. This city is the biggest city in South America. There are a lot of places, restaurants, parks, bars, discos, teathers, buildings and of course good museums. I like to go to museums fisrt because I like to learn about history and culture, second because I can go to museums alone that is why when I don't have a plan for the weekend I enjoy to go to a new museum. Bogota has wonderful museums. I have been in the Botero museum (which is my favorite), The Gold Museum and The Coin museum.

Today I decided to go to The International Emerald Museum. It's placed in an old and famous building called the Avianca building. Many years ago consider the tallest building in the city. This museum is not very famous in Bogota, many tourist don't go when they travel around downtown. I heard about it on Instagram. I knew that Colombia was one of the countries that export Emeralds but I didn't know that we actually have the best quality Emeralds.

The museum is not so big but it's very well design to take you through the process to extract and recongnize a good emerald. In the fisrt part of the museum you are inside of one of those kind of cabins and then you can experiment being an extractor. In the gallery you can see wonderful pieces that very talented sculptors made with emeralds or with part of them. There are horses, cocodriles, bears and more. I have to say that the view from that museum is wonderful and while you are seeing emeralds you can also see the city and beyond.

I really recommend you this museum if you are thinking in visiting Bogota. I'm also thinking it could be a good idea write about turistic places through this site to practice and also to share good recommendations and tips to people who want to visit this city.

Thanks for reading this short text :)