Meillä asumme Floridassa.
Floridassa on paljon villejä alligaattoreita.
Talomme takana on pieni lampi.
Olemme nähneet muutamia alligaattoreita tässä lampissa.
Pysymme kaukana heistä.
Nämä villit alligaattorit syövät joskus pieniä lemmikkejä.
Emme päästä koiraamme ja kissojamme lammen lähelle.
Eräänä päivänä näin kuolleen alligaattorin tiellä.
Ehkä siihen törmäsi auto. Minä en tiedä.
Oli surullista, mutta myös mielenkiintoista päästä katsomaan alligaattoria läheltä.
Toivon, että olisin ottanut enemmän kuvia.
I love crocs and alligators! But I can't imagine living so close to them 😬
It's not as big of a deal as it might sound like. We rarely see them. When we do, they are usually far away and fairly inert looking. Oh well, it was exciting when we first moved here! We even went to "Gator Jungle" and threw marshmallows into the ponds where the gators were floating! Talk about lazy and overfed - they would just float there until the marshmallows bobbed over to them and started bumping against their mouths! Then - and only then - they would open their mouths a crack and let the marshmallows bob inside. 😂
Ah not quite as YouTube would make out, then, with alligators crossing roads all the time and pausing in the middle making drivers angry! Those ones you visited sound awfully spoiled by the human setup 😕
No, shocking as this may be, I fear YouTube may oversensationalize alligators in Florida... 😂 Yes, the ones at Gator Jungle were quite spoiled and unimpressed by humans. And quite possibly diabetic due to a diet consisting primarily of marshmallows...
Hmm yes I can't imagine that's good for them - they probably don't naturally hunt marshmallows in the wild!