


daily life

Is it possible to not have any expectations for anything? I think it's nearly impossible to have absolutely no expectations in every aspect of life. It's human nature, we have desires, preferences, and anticipations. Most of the time expectations lead to disappointment and frustration. As Sylvia Plath once said, "If you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed."

Some people can manage their expectations well; others can't, or at least try.

In my case, I'm aware of my expectations, but I often lower them for the little things to lessen the disappointment. However, I still feel disappointed or frustrated. I know I can feel that way because these feelings are still valid. But I just try not to let them drain my energy too much, I'd say.

Nowadays, when I feel that way, I allow myself to rest and feel what I feel. I just let them out. However, I keep myself mindful and grounded by watching or reading about what I've experienced and felt. My last ritual is sleeping or taking a nap. Then after that, I feel much better.

Well, it may not be realistic to get rid of the expectations, but we could try to be flexible, open-minded, and aware, and I think it's good to examine the reason or what causes us to feel that way, so by that, we can choose to adjust or let them go. This way we can be more accepting.

Easier said than done. At least we try.

Headline image by jacksondavid on Unsplash