A stupid fox

A stupid fox



Yesterday, I saw a stupid story about wolf and books. In the story, there is a wolf that can read and talk.

`One day, he was very hungry, and he walked and walked for a long time. Suddenly, he saw some animals. They read books. The wolf shouted and growled. But those animals were very cool. They read and read. The wolf thought he have to learn how to read and speak. So he came to the school and study very hard.

when he thought he was a very clever wolf that can read, he went to the farm and yelled:" longongagothereisawolf" This was a story about the wolf, but his read was very terrible--he had not the spaces!!! The animals(pig, cow) said:"Your read was too bad!!! Get out and read more!!!"

The wolf bought a book to himself. He read very hard. Soon, he got a glasses.

Ohhh! This wolf was very silly and stupid and idiotic. If I am that wolf, I will ate them all!!!