Lend Me Your Ears, people! Help Me Save The Earth!        (You will see why I chose this photo.)

Lend Me Your Ears, people! Help Me Save The Earth! (You will see why I chose this photo.)


Nowadays, human beings are doing serious pollution to the earth’s atmosphere. You must have heard your teacher talk about ‘the greenhouse event’, blah, blah, blah. I just figured out a way to save the earth! So lend me your ears! This is important!

1. Do the following steps! I will tell you what is this for later on.

  1. Get your stranger/dog/goldfish/wombat/random creature/Rot T. En*.
  2. Put your living(s) in a coffin and bury alive.
  3. Pour poison on the soil your used to bury your living(s).
  4. Say the things you wanted the living(s) to do. Something like, ‘I wanted you to tidy my room’.

5. Dig up your living(s) after a year.

Yes! And now, you made a zombie!

2. My research shows that zombies are very eco-friendly! They can do photosynthesis on their skin! As you can see, zombies only need to bite people. They do this because they want to save the earth! So, make a dozen and put them on your rooftop/backyard/basement/arctic! (Make sure the neighbors are warned…)

3. After people realized that zombies are useful, there will be more zombies that humans. A billion years later, there will only be zombies and plants. They will fight over land, so… ‘Plants VS Zombies’ makes sense! Make sure to give the author a Nobel prize after I get one.

By Craz Y. Guy

*You will love to.

Headline image by simonwijers on Unsplash