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Many years ago, a popular joke accurately described the states of many people today. There were 2 little person inside me. One is diligent the other is lazy and they fight everyday. Eventually, they stopped fighting, because I have found the diligent had been defeat. Real situation is that the fight isn't between even-matched little person, but between a little person and a huge elephant. Withour maneuver the little person is doomed. In book Switch: how to change your things when change is hard, the authord give us a method to change our disadvantageous situation. The little diligent person is described as a rider of the elephent, who is rational but weak; At the same time, the lazy person is described as huge elephant, immensely powerful but pleasure addicted. When we are the diligent little person, we try to make a perfect plan for the coming months, and one month passed, we did nothing, because the rider was trampled by the elephant. So how do we help the rider to turn the table, actually by taking advantage of the characteristics of the elephant and the rider, we can build our behavioral momentum. The elephant is short sighted, massive and inertial, which means it is difficult to get it moving, but once it does start moving, it's difficult to stop. This can explain why we can often find time to run more things like errands when we are super busy, but when we have plent of time, we find we do nothing and whole day passed. So the key is intrigue the elephant by the slightest piecce of work. Instead of cleaning house we can say oh, the sink in the bathroom is a little dirty,how about we clean it. The elephant will get up and then feel like they can clean the toilet, it's just a piece of cake too. Starting from this ,they will continue to mop the floor, do the laundry because they already keep moving. It is the same as studying and working, don't let the elephant feel our plan is too huge to be done, instead breaking the big goals into small tasks which are small enough to no give us burden. Once the elephant get started, the momentum will grew like a snowball.

Utilizing this principle which means detouring the inertia triggering, we can break away from some kinds of additions. For example, the short videos on intermedia platform, mangaka books which keep us stand up all night watching and we just can't stop it. What we should do is fingding a way to interrupt it and let the inertia disappear. Such as a TV series has been long time no updated and then when the final episode issued, you won't want to watch it anymore. Of course, when our goal is breaking away from additions, the alternative behavior or event we choose should be something entertaining and fit ourselves postive value ideology. Such events reduce our reluctance to the least and ocuppy your attention easily. For example, I am a big fan with the Asian drama series in recent years, I learn a lots about people, emotion, society and culture from it. Instead of continuing watching Asian drama series, American drama series, American stand-up shows are the ideal alternative choices for me now.

But for most of us who start to live in a brand new environment, some cultural conflicts lasting in our mind at the beginning. I unconsciously grip same familiar things to let me feel comfortable and somehow reject to embrace an unfamiliar but amazing culture around me. But this is another topic about the process of adapting new environment.

To sum up, starting from easy and small step to build the initial momentum is the key to solve huge difficulty.