Reviewing of A Podcast 1

Reviewing of A Podcast 1


language learning

Today, I heard a podcast about language learning mindset which mean is the ways brain approaches learning English, including ideas, attitudes, perspectives, and so on. The host introduces three ways for learning English.

Firstly, it is the wrong way to completely control or pursue perfectly understaning in learning English. We have gotten a lot of training to analyze grammar details and dissect sentences in middle and high school for mastery this language, but perfectly understand how all the details work is not helpful for improving speaking fluency. The host believes that language is not a systematic subject like math so we can't rely on our logical sense. Learner should trust their intuition and repeat what they heard natives speak. Analyzing grammar structures can be supplementary. So in my opinion, that means enough listening input is the basis of speaking fluency. repeatly mimicing the words native speak can help me internalization.

The precondition of second way sounds weird. The host says in some countries, learners refute to say correct pronunciation, because their friends will make fun of correct pronunciation and local people laght at learners who practice authentic pronunciation want to be like native speaker. Although this social bias is unfair to hard-working learners, the host also gives a method to tackle this situation. English learners should break or beyond this bias. they can be a native speaker in their mind, image that they live and talk as an American. This suggestion sounds like a proverb which is fake it till make it.

Thirdly, the motivation of learning is most important factor. If I lack of enough motivation, even if I have a lot of learning tools, resources and in a perfect environment, I still can't learn well in English. Just for fun is not enough for motivating many of learners, including me. Giving a convincing answer about the question why am I learning English? What is my ultimate goal in learning English? I need to fix and focus on the answers. Imaging the day when I achieve my goal and self-inspiring will make all the difference.

In conclusion, more listening, making use of images, and having a self-convincing reason are three ways the host recommends.