


Hi guys!

3 months ago my father got me a bike. It wasn't a new bike, in fact it was in the backyard of my grandmother's house. He offered it to me because no one was using it. So, I thought... why not ?

It is an old bike, but it was working pretty well, and I could use it to go the gym, job, and even to go to buy something.

However I decided to do some upgrades in the bike, because I wanted to use to go to some rides around my city.

When I was younger I used to cycle almost everyday with my friends. But since then I had sold my bike, and every friend that I used to ride with ended up going to live in another part of the town.

So when I got this bike I saw the chance to start cycling again!

I bougth new tyres, new brakes, new gears and etc.

I spent a fair amount of money, but it was very worth rather than buying a brand new bike.

Finally I could get back to cycling again. I was doing 30km up until 40km rides every sunday, I wish it could be further but I live in a small city.

However, in the last sunday when I was doing my ride something bad happened, I tried to climb up a step higher than I was used to, and I ended up not being able to lift the rear tyre.

The rear tyre smashed against the stone step, and it dented the rim and punctured the air chamber.

I had to go home walking, it was a distance of almost 30km. I was very upset with myself, because against I'd have to spend more money to fix it.

I thought if it was worth to fix it, and I came to the conclusion that it was better for me to try to sell the bike for a higher price than I spent and add a little more money and buy a brand new bike.

I'm sure if it was a better bike the rim wouldn't have broken. But it is what it is...

I was lucky because I managed to sell it for more money than I spent in it, and now I just need to save some money to buy a new bike.