



A lower-middle-class family just moved to a new house, but then weird things started going down. One night, the father was dragged to the floor and the skin on his legs was ripped off. Another night, the mother's voice could be heard faintly calling for help. Nobody could find her though. Then, to make things worse, the son's head was pulled off until his brain was showing. No one ever found out what happened in that house. The family freaked out, they tried to leave the house, but for some reason, they just couldn't. Every time they tried to open the door, it was like an invisible force that held them there. They were trapped in their own house, with god knows what lurking around every corner. It was like living in a nightmare from which they couldn't wake up.

Notes: tapi entah mengapa, entah apa.

Headline image by mwrona on Unsplash