Hobby: how do you choose a language?

Hobby: how do you choose a language?


language learning

I'm lost. Help.

Those of you who learned languages for fun, how did you choose your language? What was your reasoning?

I learned languages only out of necessity. Up to this point, I didn't have to think too much. Whether it was to succeed in life (English) or to connect to my heritage (Hebrew), the reason has always been clear. Now, I want to go on an advanture. I want to try learning a language myself. From zero to hero :)

But I have no idea how to choose. I lake too many things about languages and anything could be a good enough reason. A few examples:

  • Spanish. For me, it's the best sounding language in the world and very common.
  • Chinese. It might be a good economic advantage in the future, very different from any language I know, and I spent quite a lot of time in China when I was a child. Sweet memories.
  • Norwegian. The mythology is intriguing.
  • Korean. Have you seen the alphabet? Neat and elegant.

And I can go on, and on, and on... I like to listen to folk music of different countries, so I could be interested in a language just because of that. Plus, liking the culture might be a good reason but I can make myself fasinated with anything quite easily.

I'm not asking you to give me an answer. What made you decide? Culture, location, phonology, relevence?

Share your thoughts, please.

P.S. I don't want to dubble in a bunch of languages (I'm already doing that). I want to go from zero to pre-intermediate and then we'll see.

Headline image by brett_jordan on Unsplash