One every 4 jobs will change by 2027 (translation)

One every 4 jobs will change by 2027 (translation)



One every 4 jobs will change by 2027: a look at the professions of the future (and the workers who might lose their job)

Artificial Intelligence, cybersecurity and Big Data. The ones who are studiyng these three fields will have no worries in finding a job in the next years. This is what turns out from the 2023 report on the future of the employment freshly published by World Economic Forum (WEF). Fewer positions will be available for employees, cashiers and door-to-door sellers.

Estimates by experts in Geneve reveal that in the next five years up to a quarter of the jobs (23%) will change, there will be 69 millions of new jobs globally and 83 millions will not exist anymore. The 803 companies interviewed for the report expect an total net reduction of 14 millions jobs, which equates with 2% of present employment.

New professions will regard two fields: the universe of the green transition and the one of the new technologies. To be more precise, the increasing use of technology and growing digitalisation will lead to a strong turnover in the labour market. This will have a positive effect on the employment.

Saadia Zahidi, general director of WEF, said: "The last three years have been upsetting and uncertain for workers, with Covid, geopolitical and economic changes as well as the rapid progresses of AI and other technologies, which now may add on further uncertainty."

She then added: "The good news are that there is a clear path to follow to grant resiliency. Governments and companies should support the shift towards future jobs by investing on education, qualification and welfare services that will grant individuals a central position in future work".

Headline image by lucabravo on Unsplash