First Post

First Post


language learning
language exchanges

I just heard about this site and I knew I had to try it! I learned English several years ago, but these days, I tend to take it more seriously than I did two years ago. I know I must improve my writing and speaking skills, so I look forward to receiving corrections and suggestions on other ways of writing certain sentences to make them sound better.

Someone recommended a kind of online course to improve my writing, but it's more for emails and essays, which is amazing, but it doesn't tell me what I am doing wrong, just highlights the mistake. Thus, sometimes I spend a lot of time trying to see why it's wrong: I change it in every way I can think of and sometimes it keeps highlighting it as wrong! So I don't know what to do and I leave it like that.

I really like this language so I want to do it well!

Headline image by sigmund on Unsplash