I'm creating a todo app

I'm creating a todo app


Hi guys!

As I stated on the title, I'm actually wanting to create a todo list app for desktop.

It's been 7 months since I started to learn Web Development myself, I've been only using some courses that I bought on Udemy and some videos on Youtube to learn it. And it's been great!

Actually, I even tried to learn Python, it was the first programming language that I tried to learn.

But, it turned out that Python wasn't exactly what I wanted to learn, Python is great and you can make endless things using Python, but for web development it is better to start by learning HTML, CSS and Javascript.

However, I still want to learn Python, and I will definetely do that someday.

It's something that I really like to do, unfortunately I don't have as much time as I wanted to practice even more.

I already have "learned" JavaScript, HTML, CSS and React.

I put learned in quotation marks because I think when talking about a programming language you'll never fully learn. There will always be something new that either you'll have to learn or something that you don't fully know.

I have 5 projects in my mind that I want to create myself to really put it in work what I learned.

I'm going to create a todo list app, a eCommerce site, a F1 website where you can see the results and more info about the championship, a quiz game, and the last one is a Journaly close (without the backend side).

The first project is the todo list, I will start to do it tomorrow, I hope I can do this project in one day.

But I'm sure when I finish all of these projects I will really improve my web development skills!