My curriculum

My curriculum



Hello everyone, i am aplying for an schoolarship to stududy in Germany and one of the things i need to present is my CV in english, but i am not a native english speaker so i would be very thankfull if a native english speaker here would correct it for me. With corrections of gramatical errors and word choices it would be more than ok, but if you want to, i am also opne to suggestions about the CV in general. here it goes:

Astudillo Patricio

Date of birth: 02/08/1999

Citizenship: Argentinian / Italian

Phone number: -

E-mail: -

Student in the last year of Mechanical Engineering with a great capacity to learn and work in teams. I also have a great interest in Thermodynamics Systems and I apply to this scholarship to deepen my knowledge on this subjectfield. My project for the application is about creating a mathematical model to calculate the inactivation rate of viruses in air ducts with exposure at Ultraviolet radiation.


E.E.S.T Nº7 TRQ "IMPA" (2012-2018)

Degree: Aeronautical Technician

Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (2019- In progress)

Career: Mechanical Engineering

Approved subjects: 33 (4th year completed). Average: 8.54

Work experience

• 2018 Internship at INVAP

• 2018 Internship in Air Force Argentina, Area Material Quilmes

• 2019 Plant Shutdown at Refinery Buenos Aires Shell, complex Dock Sud as quality control personnel pneumatic valves sector

• 2021 February - April at Sempere S.A as design assistant

Computer Skills

- Microsoft Office, AutoCAD and Solid Works, Intermediate level

-Python programming language, basic level


English: B2

German: B2

Courses and seminars

• Superior ability in English taught in English Cultural Quilmes West. (2011-2016)

• Complete training course in First Aid delivered by the Red Cross in the Quilmes Material Area of the F.A.A. (2016)

• First Certificate delivered at AACI headquarters Retiro (December 2017)

• Course of advice in Preparation of Aspirated Motors taken in the establishments of Engineering Pellegrini La Plata.(2018)

• Course on Human Factors in Aeronautical Maintenance given by the ANAC in the E.E.E.S.T Nº7 TRQ.(2018)

• Intensive course in English as a Foreign language in the institution “English in Chester” (UK) (July 2019)

Thank you so much for your time, if you need help in anything about learning spanish please let me know.