People in the Limelight

People in the Limelight



Some people think that celebrities and other people in the limelight are responsible for setting an example for others by their proper behaviour. Even though that idea sounds interesting, I can’t agree with it. First of all, it’s simply unrealistic to expect people in the limelight to be a good example for everyone else. We can’t just tell celebrities to be perfect since they are constantly pulling strange stunts like destroying hotel rooms and performing drunk on stage.

After giving this question a bit of thought, I would say that people’s desire to make celebrities the paragons of morality seems to me no more than an attempt to remove the responsibility of decision-making from themselves. People's desire for celebrities to behave well stems from feelings of insecurity and uncertainty. People subconsciously seek out authority figures who can become lasting beacons, and celebrities apparently seem like the right fit for this position.

Why is it that no one thought of asking celebrities to practice high-moral values 10 or 20 years ago? Meanwhile, in the modern world, people have the guts to freely denounce the behaviour of any famous person, having no idea if their opinion is fair and what celebrities’ lives are all about. The life of a superstar might seem like a bed of roses, but I doubt that's the case. Consider the years it takes for a famous person to build their career, win fans’ hearts, and gain the public’s trust. Additionally, you have to do everything to hold the public’s attention, relentlessly trying to engage its interest day after day. And even when you're at the peak of your popularity, you can’t shake the feeling that everything you’ve built for years might collapse any moment. Everyone wants to be a celebrity today, but not many people truly understand what it means to be one.

How can we expect celebrities to set good examples when they are ordinary people, just like us. They also have a hard time getting away from their feelings, jonesing for a cigarette or a bacon cheeseburger, wondering whether their new album will work out. To add insult to injury, they have to deal with their daily tasks and responsibilities in the center of public scrutiny. More than that, not only are there no guarantees that their popularity won’t fizzle out with time, but people also demand that they behave flawlessly. All this seems quite overwhelming, don’t you think?

I believe that even if celebrities tried to behave perfectly, after a while they would eventually end up forgetting their good intentions. As long as we are people, and not robots, not a single person in the world will be able to behave properly all the time. Many people have come to believe that pursuing and achieving perfection is possible, but that's easier said than done. In addition, the concept of perfection is too vague on its own to seriously believe in it

I agree that a bit of self-control wouldn’t go amiss for some of the celebrities, but since everyone has free will, we can’t force someone to behave in a way we think would be better for them. Even though it may seem that celebrities’ lives are easier than ours, I’m sure it isn’t all rainbows and unicorns all the time. You'd probably be fed up with your glory to the back teeth after yet another day in the spotlight. Besides, many celebrities still get judged unfairly even though they jump through hoops to build a credible reputation. Since there’s no justice in the world, should we be so quick to judge anyone, whether it's a celebrity or an average person?