


daily life

Every time I see falling snow outside, I feel as though this winter will never end. I do like the snow, it’s just the beauty of winter is inextricably connected with cold and darkness. On dark, gloomy winter days like today, I’m constantly thinking about the arrival of spring and how it will change the world and my mood. Winter is making me passive and sleepy, dreaming about what could be in the future and perfectly indifferent to daily responsibilitiesAs I waiting for the spring, most of the time I can only manage simple tasks and then delve deep into reading. The pleasure I derive from books helps me avoid mulling over the unpleasant weather, and reading is one thing that never bores me. Books are treasures that are always available, but never disappoint you with heavy snowfall or an extremely cold day. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that I would prefer spending all my time reading, but it often rescues me from mood swings due to nasty weather. 

Books provide me with a hell lot of fun, not to mention new ideas and inspiration. However, sometimes this pleasure  is short-lived, since I become disappointed in most of the books which I start reading quite quickly. Some of them hold my attention for only a few pages, while others keep me engaged even for half of the book. However, sooner or later, I end up putting aside  around  90% of what I was planning to read.

Not reading every single book to the end is a habit I would have criticized in the past because of the perfectionism that dominated my personality. I strongly believed that I had to bring everything I did to an end, and finishing reading books was no exception. Even though I often didn’t want to read some story from cover to cover, I did it on principle. Yet later I realised that while the habit of finishing everything might serve me well at work and in my personal projects, it didn’t make sense in other parts of my life. At a certain point, while making my way through another unexciting volume, I happened to realize that while reading is supposed to be fun and interesting, I was only managing to make it both tedious and exhausting. I wish I had realized this earlier and didn’t finish all the books that I didn’t actually want to read, but it is what it is. 

Headline image by blazphoto on Unsplash