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daily life

Good evening! I hope that you're doing well :).

Yesterday I came back home for the first time since I went to study abroad, five months ago. The flight was two hour long, but the whole trip was much longer than that. If we were to take into account the time needed to pack, check whether I had forgotten anything, go to the airport, go through the multiple check-points at the departure point, board, go through the check-points at the destination point, wait for the luggage to come and take it back, well, it easily transforms into a seven-hour journey. I wonder how tiring it must be to go on a long-distance flight.

So now I am back at my family home. It's nice seeing my parents and my brother again. Even though I wasn't here for five months, the apartment doesn't really feel foreign. I do feel a little bit of pressure about having to meet other family members and friends, and also having to go to to multiple appointments, but I try to shift my thinking into believing that all of this is a blessing. I am blessed to have a family and friends, to be able to come back, see them and spend time with them. If I don't achieve all what I'm planning to do, I'd still have achieved part of it, and that's good enough (this is an attempt at self-persuasion. Hopefully it'll end up working xD.)

I look forward to the upcoming weeks and hope that they will be filled with rest and joyfull encounters.

Thank you for reading my text. Have a nice evening! :)