What should I read ?

What should I read ?



Good evening! I hope that you're doing well.

To put it bluntly : I don't know what to read. I used to have reading wishlists, but they all vanished when covid came. I used to read during my commute, but once my commute was gone, so was my reading habit. I still have my old reading wishlists, but they don't appeal to me anymore. I don't feel as motivated reading the books' synopsis as I was when I first picked the books. The thing is, I just don't know what I'd like to read. As always, I know what I don't want to read. For example, I am not particulary attracted to horror and fantasy. But this leaves me with too much choice. Should I go for a novel ? A short story ? A translation or the native language version ? Which century, which author ? There are just too many variables.

What book would you like to read next ?

Have a nice evening!