My level in English is really bad, but it doesn't matter, I started to learn French because why not?!

My level in English is really bad, but it doesn't matter, I started to learn French because why not?!



Writing is become one of my favorite things to do after reading, of course.

My level in English is like B1 in understanding, but in express myself, speak and write is A1.

I know so much vocabulary, but make a sentence then has sense is challenging for me but now I really happy because in this web I can write and others people can correct my mistake and that make me improve, slowly but improve

Now the point is, I been taking English so serious, like I need have a B2 in one month and that not right for me, Have that pressure it's not healthy and it is not what I want.

English is a hobby and I want enjoy it.

And I thought if I started a new lenguaje, make me talking easy and take it with calm and be happy with this two languages.

The most exciting thing is that it is work!!!